AmigaActive (700/2143)

From:Nick Lamburn
Date:8 May 2000 at 21:25:10
Subject:Re: ISPreview

Hi Simon

On 08-May-00, you wrote:

>> Workbench isnt an Operating System!!!
>> its just the GUI system for AmigaOS
> Windows isn't an OS either. Its a GUI for DOS! :)

And therefore a shell? Workbench is a shell for the AmigaDOS CLI/Shell if
you like and therefore Shell is a Shell for AmigaDOS. Would be a pain if
everytime you wanted to run something you had to type
Execute("c:echo "bla bla",0,0); to run something or worry about filehandles
for opening, reading and writing files. Mind you dos.library is not ethe
hardest thing to understand really... :)

Workbench just provides a shell for operating the computer, if you like the
OS is really the kernel, an OS can't exist without one. In the Amiga's case
this is Exec/PowerUP/WarpOS.... Everything sits on top of that platform...



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| Trogladite Software - Nick Lamburn |
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